Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Taking Perspectives on Cyberbullying

What should you think about before you post anything about another person online, in an instant message, text, or any other kind of digital message?


  1. You should think about other people's feelings;Sometimes people have taken their lives behind vicious social media post. The person who is the target should find an adult to get help with the offending post.

  2. Before posting anything online about someone else, you should think about how it would affect that person. Are you posting something that could negatively affect a person's life? Is what you ;re posting something that could come back and hurt you? In my opinion, if you have to ask yourself these questions, DON'T POST IT!!

  3. You should think about who is going to see the post and how it would make the person feel. If you don't want to be offended, you should watch offending others. Be aware of offending others it could come back to haunt you.

  4. Before posting anything online about someone else. Put yourself in their shoes. Would you want it said about you? Will it embarrass you? How will it make you feel?

  5. They should think how others feel because some people have lost their lives behind cyberbullying,talking about others to hurt their reputation.

  6. You should think about how that person will feel once you post about them. Think about the consequences that might happen if you post something bad about them. (Jail, community service, and/or court) You should consider if that person might commit suicide if you post this. Be more empathetic.

  7. You should think about what they could do to you in return and you should think about the consequences that occur after the post
