Monday, April 8, 2019

The Impact of African Americans in Jazz

   The roots of jazz derived from Africa slaves brought instruments from their home, the cow bell is one of the treasured instruments that was a gift from the 'Mother Land."How have African Americans contributed to the art form of Jazz?

1 comment:

  1. Fredrick Douglas Prophet of Freedom by David W.Blight

    Jenna Hilaire

    This summer I read Frederick Douglass Prophet of Freedom by David W. Blight . To say I liked it would be an understatement. Learning about an illiterate slave turned abolitionist intrigued me to read.
    Beforehand, I didn't know who he was as an individual or what he specifically had to endure to get where he was to become a respected advocate.Seeing that he began as a regular slave from the 1800s and used his circumstances to gain basic skills and flip those skills into being used for the betterment of African Americans , led me to the conclusion that he was merely the same as modern day African Americans making a way to put opportunities in front of their peers. His suggestion to Lincoln to let African Americans soldiers fight made a way for African American men to become soldiers and proved to make the army victorious. I would recommend this book because Fredrick Douglass was a staple in the involvement of African Americans during the Civil War and Reconstruction era.
